Finished a track last night, ‘Passing’, three left to go. Hopefully I’ll finish them this weekend and take the next week to mix and hopefully master next weekend. I’m listening to some of the tracks that I finished months ago and I’m reasonably happy with them. I’m trying some new ideas and they have a different sound than the last project.
I like getting up early to get work done but sometimes at night when I’m on a roll I start to get some anxiety about getting enough sleep to hit the gym in the morning. The workouts are the priority, they keep me sane and I guess health benefits are worthwhile.
Starting to plan the next workout phase post vacation. It’ll be good to have a week away from the gym and recover. It will also give me a chance to really beat myself up for the ten days or so prior to leaving. Workout facilities at hotels are usually pretty sparse but we usually end up doing a ton of walking.
First softball game tonight, should be fun. I haven’t done much interacting in a non-work environment for the last 5-7 years so it’s bit of a challenge to try and remember names and how normal people interact. My lousy jokes and non-sequetor references seem to get little-to-no response. I have to remind myself that not everyone has memorized every line from Arrested Development.