We started the day with a mighty fine breakfast at Afterwards and then hit up a tourist trolley up to The National Cathedral. There’s a great view of the city from the top floor and the cathedral itself is massively amazing.
We hopped back on the trolley and spend a couple hours in Georgetown. We had lunch at Billy Martin’s tavern where John Kennedy proposed to Jackie. It was pretty standard tavern food, but good service and a nice, homey vibe.
After walking around the area we hopped back on the trolley and took a long trip around the DC area and ended up at the Jefferson and Lincoln memorials. They were also worth seeing again, the Lincoln memorial is particularly inspiring. I found a great photo online of people there on election night, listening to the 2008 results on a small radio. A fine place to be on that night.
We were pretty wiped out, so we took a short walk from the hotel to Whole Food to get a light dinner and hung out in the hotel playing cards.